How has everyone been keeping?
In my last post I talked about reconnecting and it’s effect through Forest Bathing, this time I embracing the Connecting element of Wellbeing.
Wellbeing incorporates different steps that are all interconnected and each as important.
Here are the steps that supports each and everyone of us sustain all-inclusive wellbeing:
Be Active
Take Notice
Keep Learning
In this blog I’ll focus on Connect.
Connecting can be done in many ways and they will support your evolution on your wellness journey.
Could it be that your focus is on connecting with people that will help you in a deeper and more effective way to surpass a feeling you have or have been having for a while, like pros that unlock barriers in your life, this could be a therapist, a reiki practitioner, a yoga instructor or any
professionals whom will allow you to connect and link your emotions to your behaviours.
Could it be that you’re seeking to connect with others who will be with you on a level of understanding and therefore they become a companion in the adventure you both like.
What about connecting with nature? The feeling of intimacy attached to it, allows individuals to let their emotions submerged them and let them be without any restrictions.
Connecting remains an amazing word, it is grounding and often defines how 2 or more beings get interlocked for a story to begin and this can be from a mother to a son, creating a bond as they meet for the first time, to people getting together and forming couples, to getting to know new people and
forming unlikely fulfilling relationships. There is no telling what you’ll find and there is the beauty of it all!
The side of Connecting that speaks to me is the one that happens within, the one that only belongs to you and that no one can replicate or even understand because only you holds the key to what is in your heart, your whole being.
I love getting to grip with the breath (five months ago I learned to connect through deep breathing with an hypnotherapist - more on that later - it felt like I gave myself a new lease literally), it is “it” that travels within me sending positive, calm, restorative and regenerative waves within my being.
I get to a place through meditation that allows me to let go of any inhibitions and freely connect within.
What is connecting for you? What does the word “connect” means and where does it take you? Have you ever stopped and looked at your connections? Are you purposefully surrounding yourself in a healthy environment?
Are your connections aligning with your values and therefore bringing more happiness in your life?
Selflove and self-worth are core in wellbeing therefore I ask you to constantly re-evaluate how you are connecting, allowing yourself to live your best “Otentik” life always!
Know more about the power of the breath by grabbing your own copy of “Breathe Well” at to support your wonderful journey