Take Notice
Opening up our senses…
Being present is opening all your senses.
It is how we get to connect with our conscious and our subconscious mind. Taking notice of where you are and feeling the presence of your body and really connecting through your movements.
By movements I mean looking, touching, sensing, smelling and earring. Let yourself be, listen to your body and your environment.
Is the sky watching you? Talking to you? What message can you decipher in the clouds above you?
Are you feeling rejuvenating by the tree you are lying next to? Is the wind whispering to you and what is it you are hearing? I would go on and on, but I think you guessed it. Practice Active listening and give yourself time to be mindful about your experience or adventures.
It is really like a journey back to childhood and realising that we are surrounded by us we are part of this universe in which we exist and that is why taking notice and slowing down is paramount to our wellbeing.
Are you breathing? I am sure you are but my question runs deeper than that. Are you aware of the breath are appreciative of the breath are you thankful, grateful for the breath of life? Which breath are we all mostly anxious excited and impatient to hear? The one of a new born, isn’t it? One of the most beautiful experience of life. In my opinion I was so blessed to have experienced it 4 times 3 as my ow children were born and 1 as I was a birthing partner.
All wonderful, right? But how come we don’t cherish this breath, how come we take it for granted. The practice of taking notice is that deep that you stop and appreciate the things in our lives that seems normal as extraordinary.
Yes having that conscious appreciation of every little action or even big ones no one will eventually experience the same life and adventures so it is all about what you incorporate in your life that will encompass that feeling.
This is my total and honest take on taking notice – pun intended. I love that feeling, and I would encourage every one of you reading this blog to seek professionals who will be able to create a clearer path for you in this journey. I am talking through hypnotherapy through nature connection coaching, through reiki or spiritual help and through religion if that is where you feel your purpose lays.
Taking notice is being aware of your body and thanking it for carrying you every single day. This is where you thank your legs and feet to help you get to different destination, your heart for beating poking you through every emotions.
Thanks for taking the time to read and see you soon!