Wellness at Work Segment: Increasing Creativity
Increasing Creativity at Work
This segment is part of the Wellness at Work Corporate Edit; blogs that are designed to give quick tips and advice to guide corporations in supporting their employees in the best way.
This week’s blog examines the benefits of introducing creativity in the workplace. Read on to find out more about how this can be used as a tool to improve wellness for your employees.
The challenges faced by corporations
The workplace in the occidental world and culture has become a directive of more, more and more. This constant expectation of individuals dehumanises their threshold for calm and peace and increases stress levels, which both take their toll on the employees’ health. Of course, workplaces expect productivity from their employees, but they have a responsibility to avoid having this detrimentally affect their mental health.
Whilst there are many well-known methods you can use to support your employees’ wellbeing – encouraging annual leave, ensuring they take adequate breaks during the day and hosting team building days being just a few – another great way in which you can enhance the wellbeing of your employees is by introducing opportunities for creativity in the workplace.
Most of us us leave creativity behind at school but for so many it was one of our favourite lessons! Why not reintroduce it into working life?
Blending work and creativity
When we hear the word creativity, we often think traditionally artistic – art, music, dance - but it can also align beautifully with work, allow us to embrace a different side of ourselves. It can manifest as work groups, team building activities, problem solving, brainstorming; any forum in which individuals are encouraged to think beyond the normal scope of their role and embrace that good old blue sky thinking!
Many of us pursue creative hobbies outside of work, so why harness its power in the workplace too? The benefits of creativity are boundless:
· Taking the time to enjoy creative tasks allows the mind to be calm and focus on something fresh and enjoyable, giving your brain a break. This restful time is often when inspiration drops in, unlocking new ideas
· It is a proven mood booster
· Not only does it enhance mental health, but physical health too, by boosting the immune system – resulting in fewer sick days
· Lowers stress
· Provides the chance for team building, unlocking new relationships and shared passions
· Giving staff the opportunity for creative freedom shows trusts and thus aids motivation, as well as reducing staff turnover
A team activity to try
Here is a quick exercise that can be implemented right away with your team to increase creativity
A great activity that can be implemented right away with your team to increase creativity, is having your team create a Kokedama,
A Kokedama is a type of Japanese Bonsai, for which you will need:
Bonsai soil
Peat moss
Sphagnum moss
Ferns or similar
It can be created using the following steps:
Step 1
Mix 7 parts peat moss to 3 parts bonsai soil. Slowly add water, mixing until you are able to form a soil ball using the mixture. The consistency should mean it stays nicely combined and you should ensure it is around the size of a grapefruit.
Step 2
Soak the sphagnum moss in water until damp before rinsing. You will then need to clean the soil from the roots of the fern plants, before using the moss to wrap them, before binding the fern with twine.
Step 3
Now break the soil ball in half, before placing the moss-wrapped plant between the two halves. You will then need to reshape into a ball and use sheet moss to wrap the entire thing. Bind it with twine. The final step is simply to spritz it with water.
Ongoing care
It will need to be tended to regularly, which can involve the whole team. Situate it in a fairly light area and give it a feed once a month to top up the nutrients in its soil. When it comes to watering, if it feels light to hold it is in need of some water. Simply soak it in water for 10 minutes before draining it in a colander or similar. Then it is ready to rehang.
This activity combines creativity, nature, wellness, and mindfulness in one activity and moreover brings in an anchor of the company's care every time the employees see the Kokedama.
Learn more
I hope you got some value from this article. Otentikcare promotes holistic wellness in the workplace. You can work with Patience to develop bespoke wellness programs plans for your company should you want to support your employees’ wellness.
Interested in learning more? Talk to the expert here.