Unset the Mindset: Q&A with the Founder, Patience Modevi [Part 2]
Welcome to Part 2 of our Q&A with the Founder of Unset the Mindset, Patience Modevi
How is the work divided up?
It’s simple. There are online modules, and they have different sections with different lessons within them. Women can do the lessons by themselves and then once a month we meet as a group and contemplate what’s been happening. What have we been creating? is this fitting into our lives, and how can we move forward with it? If anyone has questions, they can ask them, and we can go through them together. Then it’s back to doing the work independently through the modules.
In the first module, which is about beliefs, what we'll do is really work on self-discovery. There'll be tasks, meditations and affirmation used to work out how to understand the beliefs that serve you and the ones that don't. From there, we’ll move into a bit of a deep dive into where these beliefs come from. In the second week we look at reframing techniques where I will show the women different techniques that they can use to start changing those beliefs that do not serve them.
Next is contemplation. In this week there will be a lot of prompts for women to be able to implement everything that they have learnt. If something happened in that week, what did you do? Which reframing technique did you use to move on from whatever came up? We will also have a group meeting where everybody will be able to ask questions, and we will be able to talk a little bit more about what everybody went through.
Then comes the week of transformation. This is more of an implementation week. What are you doing on a daily basis? We'll be using methods to understand how the beliefs that we are creating are serving us, what is moving in our life, and in which direction it is moving. As you can see, I'm already talking about the direction here, and the direction is simple – we are moving forward.
We are now going to the dreamscape, which is module two. Here we'll talk about the science behind the dreams, behind cultivating that mindset that will be able to attract the things that you want in your life - the things that are aligned, the people that align in your life, the results that you deeply desire. It will involve sharing the research from what scientists have found before, and finding how we can push that creativity within us to really understand not only what we are dreaming of, but why we are dreaming of this thing. Where in our life do we see these reminders coming up all the time showing us that this is what our purpose is?
After that, we'll go into dream exploration. This is really for women to be able to go, ‘you know what? Now that I've identified this dream – perhaps it’s to move to California - but this isn’t the reality of my life right now so how do I take the first steps towards this dream? What does that dream mean for me? What is it that it can take as a percentage into my life? What am I going to start with?’
I’m not promising you the dream is going to happen in three months. It may or may not. What I'm saying is you are now starting to put all your eggs into a basket where you know that this egg is towards this, and this egg is towards that. It’s really looking into the finances, the work, skills, the expertise you need. Looking into the environment you need to be in, the people you need to be in contact with, all of those kinds of things that really will conduct this dream exploration. It’s about being as creative as possible into what could happen, or what could you do, or who could you meet.
The week of contemplation is a week of implementation. It's about looking where in our daily lives we are taking steps towards that dream. In this week we will be meeting online for a group session again, where we can discuss what comes up.
Finally comes the week of integration. In this week we are not being contemplative. What we are doing is being active participators and we are leading the way forward. Let’s go back to that dream of public speaking. You might be wanting to do public speaking now in the week of integration. Is now the week where you're taking an action? Are we taking several actions to see what those actions will bring? You have to sow in order to reap and this is exactly what will be happening in the fourth week.
This is an amazing week because we are taking action now, we are in this excitement, in the ‘WOW, I want to do this!’ phase. We’re excited about it! As much as it is amazing, it might not last, because at the beginning there's always this excitement. Like that first flush of romance when you meet your partner. You don't see anything that could be a challenge - you're just seeing the good stuff. And there's nothing wrong with that. But what we need to do, and that's what leads us to the third module of anchoring, is explore what is our inner strength. If I know my strengths, if I know my weaknesses, if I know my challenges already, what can I do? I can now plan!
It's true that this is fantastic, but self-doubt might creep in, the limiting beliefs might come back. There might be something that you haven't dealt with, because in the in the three-month program, we're not going to deal with everything. But each time you're putting some good stuff in, every time you're doing some hard work on yourself, what comes up is all the muddy stuff – and it’s coming up because you're getting rid of it. So, everything that you pushed down, because you don't want to think about it is now coming up to the surface. Whilst this is happening that's when the dream gets affected. This is where we do the work. We do this inner self, inner strength exploration, and we look at where we might fall. But instead of falling flat on our face, let's put down a mattress. Let's put the trampoline over there, so that we don't fall on a flat on our face, but we bounce back. This is where the anchoring happens. In the second week of the that module, we will go into all the anchoring techniques that you can use in order to create those mattresses and trampolines that will help you bounce back.
In the following week, we'll do some application. It’s putting things in place straight away and being able to now have developed this awareness of when something is coming and knowing how to react. So instead of asking ‘why me?’ and faltering, it’s looking at what you can create to still keep you on track regardless.
In the last week of the program we'll work on contemplation. There will be a final group meeting, as it’s a really good way of celebrating this achievement that we've gone through together, and really looking at what's been happening into everybody's lives.
In addition to all of this there is also access to a library of other experts who have done who have done workshops, which you will be able to access as part of the programme So you're not only getting me, but you're also getting the benefit of all these other workshops from different experts from all over the globe who will be able to open up another world for you on different subjects.
In this library, I will put everything in that will be useful for you. This is where you can access more information, more research, and look at all the books that you can read to deepen your work and where you are going on your journey.
I'm a busy Mum, will it be too much for me?
It won't be too much for you. Each lesson is 30 minutes, and then you have meditations, affirmations, or EFT scripts that you can use anywhere. For example, you could be doing your tapping in the morning when you're in the bathroom, or even with your children. You could listen to the meditations anywhere - your commute to work, whilst you're driving and doing, or even doing your shopping – even when you’re winding down at night. The journaling prompt that you will get is something that you can do early in the morning as you wake up, or late at night before you go to sleep. It's really just little things that you can add into your day-to-day life. Not things that will take over too much of your time. It will probably require around an hour to an hour and a half of your time each week.
I've never done anything like this before, what can I expect?
I believe that the women who will be wanting to do this work are actually already on the path of self-discovery, so will already be aware that change means discomfort. With every increment of change, there is a percentage of feeling uncomfortable. What I want to ask you is if you feel this is too much for you, are you ready to take this course? If you feel like you need the change, if you feel like you need this new direction, then I will encourage you to do the leap. Just jump and go for it. Because yes, there will be this little bit of an uncomfortable feeling at the beginning, but little by little, you start to get in touch with everyone. To understand what everyone is doing or what they are about, and then also create your own sense of belonging within the community. Shyness is not something that should keep you away from joining the program.
I am not great at speaking up in a group environment. Will this be a problem?
Not at all. It will not be a problem because of a thing called borrowed benefit. In short, this is when you work with other individuals you realize that even when someone else asks a question, we are all gaining from the information, and we are all gaining from what is being shared within the group. So, if you feel at the beginning that you're not too comfortable with it, you don't have to be really vocal. Most of the work is done by yourself, with yourself, and everything to do with the group is once a month. Once a month you get to meet all the other women who are in the programme, but aside from that it is just you and the program. Of course, I am always there to support so you can email or WhatsApp me and ask me any of the questions you want to ask personally. You don't have to do it within the group call.
Remember that you are on an explorative journey. On this exploration, you are also learning how you can manage yourself within this group. Once you start to take control of that and start to fully be authentically yourself, without any doubt or shame around being where you're at, you will understand that actually you've also evolved within your own journey. I think it's all positive, even though it starts from a space where you believe that you are not able to speak freely into a group. It’s all part of the journey.
More to come in part 3!