Be, Do, Have
Be, Do, Have
Have you heard of a Be, Do, Have list? Don’t worry if not – I hadn’t either until last year! This week I want to share this beautiful technique I stumbled across so you can reap the benefits from it, as I have so far.
I only started mine at the beginning of this year and so far I have loved it. It has supported my life on so many levels. So, what exactly is it?
It’s a powerful technique.
It is an amazing way to connect with your goals in a positive way every day, as well as prompting you to be grateful for all you have achieved so far. It simply requires you to note down the following:
Be - what do you want to be? Who do you want to be? This can be on a spiritual, emotional or professional level – perhaps you want to be more confident, more kind, or more charitable.
Do - what do you want to do? Again, this covers all areas of your life – things you want to do in your work life, personal challenges and life goals.
Have - what do you want to have in your life? Think about everything, from the material to the spiritual and everything in between. Do you want to attract higher earnings, good friends, or a life partner? Perhaps you just want to have a feeling of contentment at the end of each day?
Take the time to ponder each element regularly and look in particular at how they interact with one another. Do they align well? If you want to be kinder, do a charity fundraiser and have a feeling of purpose, these all align beautifully. However, perhaps you can spot a disconnect and take some time to work on it – maybe you want to have increased earnings but also want to be more free to choose your own schedule. Of course this can – and does! – work, but you may need to spend some time thinking about the practicalities in-depth.
It’s all about flow.
As your list starts to develop, you will soon see that what you choose to be affects what you do, and this brings you the things you want to have.
My list is absolutely not set in stone but flexible in terms of my evolving journey. On my Be, Do, Have list you'll find things like this;
Be healthier - drink more water, exercise, have a day off a week, be energised by doing things that feed my soul, such as having more plants in my house, going to the seaside once a quarter at least.
Be focused on my work - implement tiger time, have a mentor, have fun, do a colour run.
Be grounded - meditate weekly, journal daily, go floating once a quarter, spend more time in nature, watch the stars, be philanthropic, donate to orphans in Togo, implement donations in my work with Otentikcare, do pro-bono work in my coaching business.
Let me go a little deeper with one major example. In December last year I wrote on my Be, Do, Have list that I wanted to generate more donations through my work, I also wrote that I wanted to do a Colour Run. Well, the opportunity manifested right in front of me, and I jumped on it! Thanks to so many of you, I was able to fundraise for a cause I truly believed in whilst doing the Colour Run. I chose to go by myself because this was close to my heart, not knowing that the universe planned that I would meet a fantastic group of new friends. The group approached me, and we had such a brilliant time together, making the whole event so much fun – even when I fell a few times along the course! (without hurting myself, thankfully!)
I loved the dynamic and eclectic mix of the group, a real mix of Brazilian, British, Indian, and Filipino culture. Honestly, I had such an amazing day. I felt my heart race in ways I had forgotten and ultimately I was happy. This is where I was so grateful for my Be, Do, Have list. After the run and even months after as I am writing this, the effects are still there - this joyful effervescence is instilled in me.
Will you try this? Will this motivate and help improve the next half of the year for you? If you do, please comment below or email to share - I'd love to hear from you!