How to cultivate self-love
How to cultivate self-love
To love others we must first love ourselves - a simple statement, but one that can sometimes be so easily forgotten. Taking the time to love ourselves and care for our emotional needs is critical, setting the foundation on which we can grow and flourish. But just how do we achieve this? Here are some of my top tips:
We cannot pour from an empty cup, so it is vital we take care of ourselves before we take care of others. Our energy reserves are all too easily depleted so we must put great importance on caring for our emotional and physical health. Taking a long bath, putting on a nourishing face mask, reading a book or having a nap may seem like such simple acts, but done regularly they help to maintain our equilibrium. Time invested in ourselves is time well-spent indeed.
Positive self-talk
Our inner voice is so powerful - it is the narration of our life. By choosing to talk to ourselves positively we are choosing to frame our life in a beautiful way. We are giving ourselves the gift of optimism. It is important to be kind to ourselves and speak to ourselves as we would a friend. All too often we come down on ourselves harshly, ruminating on things that we could have done better. Although self-reflection is a worthwhile act that helps us to learn and grow, too much introspection can be damaging. Ruminate, learn, move forward. Forgive yourself.
Know your worth
You are amazing. Honestly, you really are. You are unique – there is no one like you and that is brilliant. You are worthy of love and happiness. Recognise this fact and allow it to settle into your consciousness. Live your life deliberately, knowing you deserve all of the wonderful things the world has to offer.
Comparison is the thief of joy
Comparing ourselves to others is one of the biggest acts of self-sabotage. In these days of social media it is all too easy to scroll through someone’s social media feed looking at all their adventures or their flawless appearance and feel an intense stab of envy. But you must remember that this is their highlight reel, and you cannot compare your everyday to it. By all means share the beautiful moments in your life and celebrate those that others choose to share with you. However, be mindful that we cannot ever compare our journey to that of others. Wouldn’t it be dull if we were all the same anyway?
Don’t be afraid of having boundaries
No – two letters, one powerful word. And guess what? You can say it. Define your boundaries and stick to them. By doing this you are protecting yourself from things that deplete your energy reserves and affect your mental health in a negative way. Being firm but fair will gain the respect of those around you.
Be thankful
It is imperative that we take time out to be grateful. Life is never perfect – there is always something we are striving for. Considering all the things we have to be grateful for brings forth a sense of inner peace and calm. Those who believe in manifestation will attest that in order to manifest the things you desire, you must first be thankful for everything you have. Gratitude journals are a delightful way to do this. Just 5 minutes each morning to note down a few things you truly appreciate will start your day on a positive note.
Self-love takes practice and I hope this list prompts you to think about the ways in which you can weave this into your life.