Creating a routine of self-care
Creating a routine of self-care
I have a confession…I speak so often about self-care and the importance of creating a routine, but I must admit that I have often fallen off the wagon myself. As we all know, this past year has been incredibly difficult, with so much to juggle – work, family, mental health. It hasn’t been easy - even the most resilient of people have been challenged this year, as the world has turned on its axis and asked us to completely change the way we live our lives. That is no mean feat, and we should all congratulate ourselves for simply surviving.
If you have fallen off the wagon too then my first tip for you is not to lose heart – you can establish a routine again to get yourself in a positive and healthy mindset. Here’s a few practices to ease you back in…
Breathe. Just breathe. Simple right? You’d think so, but without even realising it we’re often holding our breath and creating an irregular breathing pattern. Taking the time for some deep, cleansing breaths will bring a feeling of instant calm and peace.
There’s a reason they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture…lack of sleep really does affect us on every level – physical, emotional and spiritual. Our body needs sleep in order to rest, repair and regenerate. Without it we are useless – exhausted, drained and miserable. Try winding down before bed with a good book or a milky drink. Make sure you’re allowing yourself enough time to sleep too – just an hour earlier than usual could make all the difference.
We need to fuel our systems with wholesome food that gives us energy and nourishment. It’s all too easy to reach for quick-fix snacks when those blood-sugar levels drop, when really what we need are whole grains and slow-release carbohydrates. If you’re short on time in the week, I’d really recommend taking the time to batch cook some healthy meals each weekend, so they’re ready and waiting for when hunger strikes.
I know everyone always talks about how important it is to drink 2 litres of water a day, but I promise you, it really is! I can really feel the difference if I don’t. Why not treat yourself to a funky new water bottle to carry round with you, so hydration is always within reach? It also helps you ditch the plastic water bottles, so it’s kind to Mother Earth too.
There are so many fun options to get you moving more. Everything from mindfulness for walking playlists, Zoom classes and Couch to 5K, to park runs, colour runs and everything in between! Why not take it slow at first by just making sure you’re reaching your 10,000 steps a day? You could pop your headphones in and go for a stomp around your local park, or even meet a friend and have a coffee on a bench halfway through. Exercise, especially in the great outdoors, is a powerful way to reset your mind, as well as help condition your body.
Take it step by step and soon you will have a fantastic routine re-established, that will nourish your mind, body and soul.