The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Avery Thatcher
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series:12
Another week brings another opportunity to meet one of the amazing contributors to the Stress Prohibited Summit held earlier this year. With such a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this fantastic advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. Welcome to blog number twelve!
Avery Thatcher
Avery Thatcher from Inner Stillness Outer Chaos is a former ICU RN, who noticed that the majority of the reasons people found themselves in the ICU were because of illnesses and diseases linked to chronic stress. She made the decision to get out of the reactive side of medicine and is now on a mission to show highly-sensitive high-achievers how to prevent burnout and heal from the negative health effects of stress.
In her own words
“I have been growing my business since 2015 and have recently rebranded due to a massive shift in my life that has required me to change my first name in order to feel at home in my body again. I am incredibly passionate about helping keep people out of the ICU, to prevent and even reverse the negative health effects of stress, and to help them treat stress from the two main sources: our hectic lifestyle, and our childhood programming.
Having worked in stressful environments, experienced a lot of complex trauma, and the stress related with being a high-achieving people-pleaser, I am no stranger to stress. I relish the opportunity to talk about trauma-informed stress management, because highly sensitive people and those who have experienced trauma will need to do other practices first before they're ready to practice meditation and mindfulness. They have to build up the trust in their own body and nervous system regulation before they're ready to dive into 'typical' stress management practices and I talk about why this is the case and give them ideas for what they should do first.
I believe that trauma-informed stress management is not talked about enough and some people actually make their cPTSD or PTSD worse when trying 'typical' practices. I would like to be a part of the movement that talks more about trauma-informed stress and anxiety relief so help this group of people.”
Watch Avery’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform:
Getting in touch with Avery