The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Steve Costello
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series:13
Steve Costello
Steve delivers coaching, therapy, or a blend of both depending upon needs, to both individuals and teams. His focus is on mindfulness-based stress reduction, because one of the causes of his recent health challenges was chronic stress.
When time permits, Steve offers free workshops and training events. Details of these are published at his website along-with details about paid programs and individual sessions:
In his own words
“After average results at school, I shed the limiting beliefs I had about my abilities and went to university where I earned my first bachelor’s degree in Youth Work and Community Development. That led to a great public service career with outstanding benefits, a second honours degree in psychology, and associated post-graduate qualifications. My daily activities enabled me to help a lot of young people and their families.
None of us have a crystal ball but I should have seen the accident coming, given my skills, experience, and qualifications - I was heavily stressed and burning out.
While out on my roller blades one evening, I had a disabling accident. But every cloud has a silver-lining; this event resulted in me spending two months at home with my beautiful family while I recovered.
But recovery didn’t arrive as predicted, with my employer deciding I was “no longer fit for purpose”, forcing me to retire at 40 on a small pension. Years of study, time and effort erased by the stroke of a pen.
I plunged into a dark abyss but one thing that never left was my ‘North Star’. Every challenge has Positive, Dynamic Solutions and from the depths of gloom, I searched for ways to improve the situation.
Today I ride my mountain bike and ski after being told that I would remain in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Those dark days have gone, and I am back in the business of helping other people.”
How he can help
Steve draws on his personal experience of chronic stress and burnout, as well as using evidence-based tools and techniques to enable people to manage stress and move beyond the pain.
He shares many simple to apply stress reduction tools and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, some of which can even be quietly applied at a desk in a busy office - nobody will notice, yet the potential healing effect is great.
All techniques involve spending time with oneself.
Watch Steve's intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform:
Getting in touch with Steve