The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Nisha Harichandran
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: 1
Nisha Harichandran
The Stress Prohibited Summit was a 2 day online event brought to you by Otentikcare in collaboration with HUGS Coaching, the aim of it being to bring more awareness around the subject of stress. That word is bandied around profusely these days, but how much do we really know about its many and varied implications on our mind, body and soul?
Wellness at its best is not the absence of stress; however it is the mismanagement of such that can lead to harmful mental implications.
We gathered experts in different fields to share their personal experiences and invaluable expertise in terms of stress, anxiety, burnout and how they have combined it with their careers.
It was a fantastic event and so wonderful to gather together sixteen fabulous guest speakers, all bringing their unique perspectives. With such a wealth of valuable information and insights shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this exceptional advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. I’m going to focus on one speaker per blog, so you can learn more about them and the knowledge they brought to the table. Welcome to blog number one!
Nisha Harichandran
Nisha Harichandran is a business storyteller based in Cardiff. Her blog, Bohemian Crossing, is a book club for her readers. She started by sharing stories of her own, which she describes as her transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. She took this storytelling vision and set up her content writing enterprise Bohem Notes in September 2020, where she offers a suite of writing services to support your business needs. In addition, her blog serves as a platform to share others' stories.
Through her article series’ such as Growing in Lockdown and Entrepreneur Your Life, Nisha continues to inspire and empower women. Nisha is also training as a coach and pursuing her Masters in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. She's passionate about joy and invites people to take a few more moments in their everyday life to step in and own their joy.
A global citizen with a bohemian spirit, she previously spent 15+ years working as a lawyer, both in private practice and in-house. Inevitably, such a high-pressured and demanding job brought a huge amount of stress to her life. Handling urgent deadlines and deliverables, managing stakeholder communication and engagement at different levels.
It wasn’t only work pressures though. On a personal note, Nisha encountered pressure from her community to 'settle down' and 'get married'. She was expected to do things within a certain timeline and had to find the inner strength and courage to set her own timeline, because – as she stated so eloquently – “it’s my concert!”
Nisha’s top tips for managing stress at work and at home:
1. Be compassionate with family, friends, colleagues and clients but know your boundaries. Be firm but kind.
2. Be conscious of how you share feedback because it can make or break a person. Do not underestimate the power of positive feedback.
3. Be comfortable in your own skin - know your muscle power and what your growing edges are.
4. Set your own unique path and lead on your own terms. Don’t be part of the herd.
5. Whatever decisions you make in life, be at peace with them.
And most of all - Rock your own concert!
Nisha is currently offering a bundle of 5 hours of coaching in exchange for a donation to The Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group. If her bohemian spirit aligns with yours, why not get in touch and see how she can support you on your journey?
Watch Nisha’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform: