Rest, Recharge, Retreat
Rest, Recharge, Retreat
The origin of retreats
The word retreat means to withdraw or move back. The physical manifestation of the word has its roots in religious practice. For hundreds of years, retreats have been an important part of religion and spirituality; consciously setting aside time to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life in order to focus on spiritual matters. Traditionally, this time involves reflection and prayer; cutting out the distraction of ordinary routine to enable deep contemplation. Nowadays, retreats have evolved somewhat, but still remain rooted in peace, contemplation and calm.
Wellness retreats have become increasingly popular, giving attendees an opportunity to focus on their personal wellbeing whilst introducing them to other likeminded people and new wellness practices they can carry forward into their everyday routines. As well as wellness retreats you can also find yoga retreats, meditation retreats, spa retreats, digital detox retreats and many more. All of them retain the core aim of those very first retreats though – time for stillness and focus.
Why are they so beneficial?
In our busy lives, it is critical to factor in time out for quietness. These days we are all so well-connected that it can become overwhelming. Retreating from these ties allows us the freedom to find calm and solace, which are hugely restorative. They allow us to return to our everyday lives with renewed focus and vigour.
Business retreats are similar, in that they give us time to focus solely on our businesses, where they are at, and where we would like them to be. For solopreneurs, they offer an opportunity to come together with others like them, so they can bounce ideas, learn together and forge new industry connections. It’s not to say they’re all business though; more often than not they offer a blend of the spiritual too, taking a holistic view of an individual, and recognising their need for personal and spiritual nourishment. Without this, they cannot perform at their best.
How can I bring the spirit of retreat to my life?
I am a huge fan of retreats and always walk away feeling refreshed and energised. However, of course it is not always feasible to attend a formal retreat. There are things you can do to incorporate the retreat vibe into your daily life though:
• Set aside a regular amount of time, such as one weekend every 6 weeks, which you will dedicate entirely to yourself
• Use this time deliberately – plan quality time that will boost your mind, body and soul
• Incorporate gentle physical exercise, something mindfulness to soothe your mind, and something creative or calming that brings you joy
• If you can’t dedicate a whole weekend, try carving out some regular time each week – even just an hour – to focus solely on you. Block it out on your calendar!
• If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take 10 minutes for mindfulness, deep breaths and gratitude
• Remember life isn’t all about doing, it’s also about being; if you aren’t being kind to yourself, you won’t be able to do everything you need to in order to thrive
Look out for part two next week where I will share the Otentikcare retreat inspiration list – which one will you be inspired to attend?