The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Akua Ofosuhene
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: 2
It’s time to put the spotlight on another one of the fantastic contributors to The Stress Prohibited Summit. With such a wealth of valuable information and insights shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this exceptional advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. Welcome to blog number three!
Akua Ofosuhene
Akua has many strings to her bow, as a fashion designer, founder of African Spiritual Practices events and public speaker on the therapeutic use of psychedelics.
4 years ago Akua found out that her teenage son had been groomed into a county lines drug dealing ring at school. If you’re not familiar with the term, county-lines drug dealing is a practice where young people are coerced into drug dealing far from home, for periods up to 2 weeks at a time. The shame and guilt from this discovery brought on depression, high blood pressure and even a cancer scare.
Although the police, social services and youth services agencies were 'doing their best', Akua realised that outdated practices were not working, and she had to find a different way of helping her son. She took it upon herself to delve into the worlds of psychedelic medicines, alternative healing modalities such as EFT tapping, non-violent communication, Ho-oponopono, and West African spirituality and ancestral veneration. By combining all of these practices, she was able to successfully treat her depression and eventually get her son out of the drug dealing ring.
Last year, Akua founded her African Spiritual Practices event in London as a platform to share the invaluable knowledge that helped transform her and her son’s lives. She advises parents dealing with the effects of gang activity and helps ex-cult members escaping coercive control. She also advises on intentions and integration while working with psychedelic medicines. She shares her story to show that there is always something you can do.
Akua does all of this as well as working full-time as a designer and importer of natural and artisanal products from Ghana.
Watch Akua’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform: