The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Ivy.i
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series:6
Another week, another opportunity to meet one of the fabulous contributors to the Stress Prohibited Summit! With such a wealth of valuable information and insights shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this exceptional advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. Welcome to blog number six!
Ivy.i is an entrepreneur who wears lots of hats! She is a Developer, an APC Certified International Coach, a member of ABC (Association of Black Coaches), Emotional Geographer, Speaker and Strategist Consultant…and a Mother! She is a community driven individual, who believes that ‘your life is like building a dream home’.
She is also a survivor of life’s entanglements - toxic relationships, speech impediment, PTSD and burnout. This was the fuel she used to drive the next stage of her journey in establishing priorities and boundaries.
She founded Hugs Consultancy, a Relationship Healing and Business Accountability Hub, with the mission to empower women and communities through coaching and healing pain for transformational empowerment. Hugs Consultancy‘s vision is to create sustainable housing for all of our community’s disempowered sectors.
Ivy is mostly known for being the ‘Business Relationship Architect’ and brings her 15 years’ experience from the Architectural Industry to the corporate, coaching, and mentoring arena. She assists individuals and businesses in unlocking hidden potential and maximizing their performance, by believing, encouraging, developing, and leveraging relationships with creative ways and measures.
Ivy helps her clients uncover their power to visualize and recreate the current space within themselves and their habitat, plus how to move through the world, with ‘eagle eye analogy’.
She only helps individuals who are ready to transit from ‘broken’ to affluent, converting their past emotional trauma into the strength needed for a better and profitable future, by rebranding the “I” within with HUGS methodology. She unlocks their code for a purpose.
She uses a variety of techniques such as NLP, emotional-mapping, vision-boards, goal-setting and story-telling, skilfully moving clients from the present into their confident desired futures.
This wealth of experience has led Ivy to came up with some unconventional tips and methods, which allowed her to navigate out of stress, anxiety, fear and depression .
Ivy’s top tips
1. Invest in life balance: health & wellbeing, spiritual and emotional wellbeing , personal development, family, career, fun and recreation, and friends
2. Regular deep breathing – it releases pressure and helps with self-control
3. Give yourself regular positive self-talks and be good to yourself
4. Eat well and regularly – this helps with mood swings
5. Exercise regularly - swim, walk, all improves mood!
6. Slow down!
7. Take regular breaks – switch it up and do something like listen to music
8. Talk about your issues – either to yourself, a practitioner or a trusted party
9. Do away with your triggers - be them emotional, physical, psychological or financial
10. Relax your muscles regularly by practicing the acts of pausing, meditation, prayer, and drawing
11. Have a stress tool kit from which you pick a surprise activity
Watch Ivy.i’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform:
Where to find Ivy online
Ivy is currently offering a 2 hour freebie – an Emotional Mapping and Art Detox Coaching experience (leveraging strengths and weaknesses) plus a H.U.G.S checklist, in exchange for a donation of a testimonial Get in touch with her to take advantage of this amazing opportunity!!