The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Kathryn Dager
The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series:
I hope you’ve been enjoying this series, introducing you to each of the fabulous ladies who contributed to The Stress Prohibited Summit. With such a wealth of valuable information and insights shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this exceptional advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. Welcome to blog number seven!
Kathryn Dager
Kathryn Dager MA founded her company Profitivity in 1985 and for over 3 decades has built trust-based, collaborative and vibrant cultures in hundreds of organisations of all sizes, worldwide.
Profitivity helps businesses end the cycle of frustration and drained profits caused by high employee turnover, inefficient workflows, and ambivalent team energy. It transforms businesses from stagnant and lacklustre to lucrative and flourishing, by stripping them down to basics, reconstructing workflows, relationships, and training procedures within the framework of optimal performance. It sets up businesses to be completely self-reliant. It aims to rid the organisation of confusion and replace it with clarity and structure so that you can completely own the processes in your business.
In working with Profitivity, businesses are able to shed the weight of broken systems and step into a revitalized work environment built on the principles of effective communication, clear expectations, empowering mentorship, and perpetual commitment to excellence.
By the time Kathryn has completed her time working with a client, everyone within the business feels as though they are playing on a winning team – everyone has each other’s backs. Employees feel excited to come to work each day, they’re fulfilled, and customers flock to that energy.
Her ultimate goal is to have everyone doing what they love to do with people they love to work with; all committed to make a difference that is fulfilling and profitable.
As well as this, Kathryn is an internationally recognised Speaker, Business Culture Consultant and Master Trainer for small and large organizations worldwide. She is also a number 1 bestselling author of “The Business Owner’s Guide To Empowered Leadership.” She has created award-winning training systems and interactive virtual courses, published dozens of articles, and is considered a dynamic, enlightening and entertaining business development expert.
Developing business culture and leadership skills are essential steps to engage, empower and energise a team, enabling them to create the momentum, motivation and results you’ve always wanted.
She is passionate about creating conscious, vibrant and collaborative workplaces where people love to come to work and make a difference in their customers' lives. With four generations in the workforce, Kathryn loves teaching everyone how to build trust back when it breaks.
Trust is essential in all relationships and building trust replaces stress with love!
What breaks trust?
How does broken trust damage relationships? What happens when broken trust is ignored?
Building trust back is an important life skill to learn
1. Acknowledging you broke trust and are willing to build it back.
2. Making & keeping agreements.
3. Showing respect verbally and nonverbally.
Where does this passion originate from?
When she was 11 years old, her mother ran off with another man, leaving Kathryn, her three siblings and her bereft dad to fend for themselves. This led to her stepping up and learning how to cook, plan meals, handle money, get Dad ready for work and care for her 4 year old baby sister. Overnight, she became a leader and a "mama bear" protecting her family out of love! That "early bootcamp" showed her that she had all of the resources within herself to do anything she chose in life. Now, she brings these gifts and messages to everyone!
She loves sharing awareness, positivity and life-affirming tools with people and is always looking for opportunities to share her gifts, so you too can spread the word about the important of trust and how to rebuild it when it is lost.
Watch Kathryn’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform:
Where to find Kathryn
Online workshop here
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You can also join her mailing list here.