The Stress Prohibited Summit Blog Series: Naloo
The Stress Prohibited
Summit Blog Series:9
It’s a pleasure to bring to you another opportunity to meet one of the fabulous contributors to the Stress Prohibited Summit! With such a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience shared, it made perfect sense to create a blog series, so this fantastic advice could be recorded and used by many more of you in the future. Welcome to blog number nine!
A former Monk, keen volunteer and self-confessed adventurer, not just shown through where he goes, but also the Can Do, proactive attitude that he adopts. Naloo is a sensitive person who has a clear mindset and considers nature his second Mother.
By day he is a psychoanalyst, who enjoys daily meditation and sharing his wisdom and advice. Since leaving the Monkhood, his philanthropist side hasn't changed, but he considers his awakening level as still in progress.
Naloo has spent a great deal of time meditating on the subject of stress and compares it to a toothache; if a cavity is not healed at the right time, the root is then affected and becomes uncomfortably painful. Once the stress is spotted from the first sensation, it has to be removed.
When helping his clients overcome stress in their lives, he knows there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, as stress is personal and has many faces.
It is all too easy for stress to take up the most room in our daily routine. Naloo’s advice is not to keep it burning inside you. Communication is the best tool when looking to overcome it.
It is time for us to start being awake and conscious and discover our true freedom.
Get in touch with Naloo and book some inner healing sessions via
Sessions are on a donations basis.
Watch Naloo’s intervention FREE on the Stress Prohibited Summit platform: