The G100 Global Networking Conference 2022: the power of connection
The G100 Global Networking Conference 2022: the power of connection
We may be in October now, but I still feel the urge to share the impact of the G100 Global Networking Meeting Conference 2022, held back in May in Cascais, Portugal.
This was an amazing opportunity for myself.
I was so moved by the amazing kindness, empowerment and warmth that I felt from attending, and I really want to share my learnings with you,
What I realised is that through good communication, networking opens doors to betterment and self-development.
Let me explain more…
To give you some background, I am part of G100 Mission Million, which has been created by founder Dr. Harbeen Arora. This Mission has 100 wings and I am part of the G100 oneness and wisdom wing in the England chapter.
I saw a post from Mar Introini who is the G100 Global Chair for the networking wings, in which she was recruiting speakers for the upcoming conference, I don't know what came over me, but straightaway I decided to send a message and I asked if I could apply to be a speaker there, if I fit the criteria.
And the response was yes!
My heart was beating SO HARD…
Because never, EVER in my life did I see myself as being a speaker - as being someone going on stage in front of other people.
At events like this there are always plenty of people willing share their knowledge and expertise, but I had just never been one of them. Yet this time I completed to answer to this opportunity.
So when I when I messaged Mar, she straightaway said YES, you are so welcome to come in, and so started the back and forth emailing. I envisioned being part of the guestlist and really pictured myself going there.
I was SO excited!
Even more than excitement…
For me this represented inspiration and empowerment, not just for myself, but beyond it, for my audience and clients. I begin to envisage myself being on stage and talking and all of a sudden I got an intellectual block about what I was going to speak about and how I was going to present myself. I was starting to doubt myself even though I had submitted my topic.
But there was something that was missing. There was something that was not quite what I wanted it to be.
Yet I rose to the challenge to overcome my own fear of being on stage. I overcame the fact that I never imagined I’d do something like this and actually went and took the plunge.
Let me walk you through the events…
I arrived in Lisbon on a really sunny afternoon and I was instantly enraptured by the kindness and warmth of the people. The sun was shining bright. It was simply amazing.
The next day I woke up full of joy! I got to meet a few people who were there for the welcome party and I made my first amazing connection with the beacon of inspiration that is Mrs Linda Pereira. She was amazing. She put my excitement in perspective - I was actually there for a purpose.
I was there to accomplish far more than what I had accounted for.
So far I had thought that I was doing this just for myself, but in speaking to her I realised that I was not just doing it for myself - I was doing it for every other woman that was looking at me, every other person in my community. I was showing them that they too could achieve things like this.
Linda gave me so much inspiration and on that afternoon I even got to meet Mar, the creator and designer behind this conference, as well as Virginia Rivera.. They are such warm and inspiring women.
These three women reaffirmed to me that day exactly why I was at the conference and lit the spark in me that I needed.
My purpose was to empower, support, push and contribute in breaking barriers and challenges that women like me have in society.
Enough about me, the talks, the workshops, the commitment each took to carry on the mission beyond the walls of the “Casa Das Historias Paula Rego” and even the song was absolutely gripping.
Without forgetting the men that came and supported this incredible event.
The connections, the conversations, the empowerment and so much more…
I am blessed to have met so many incredible people – I’ve listed them all below, as they all deserve a place here.
The more I was talking to people, the more I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be - the more I felt like the path that I was taking was a new path and not a new beginning, but an evolution in my womanhood.
The power of connection is incredible for us all and I am sharing this story so that women who feel like they can't access certain spaces, who feel that things such as this are off limits, understand that this belief is not true.
I could literally go on about this event yet instead I want this blog to be an inspiration as we are coming to the end of the year and you might start thinking about your vision board - THINK and ACT as BIG as can be!
Come out of your comfort zone and reach for the stars and if you need a worldwide cheering squad then join G100 : Mission Million.
I would like to invite you to connect with the mission of G100 and all the incredible people who touched my soul and amplified my shift into the work I love.
G100 What is it? What is the mission? Click here to find out!
Harbeen Arora - Founder G100, Businesswoman and Humanitarian
Anita Caprice - G100 Global Chair - Oneness & Wisdom
Mar Introini - Global Chair G100 Global Networking
Linda Pereira - G100 Global Chair for Communication & Advocacy
Nancy G. Allen - CEO & President Women’s Business Development Council of Florida
Paula Delgado - G100 Leiria City Chair for Communication & Advocacy
Shirley W Chow – Joy & Confidence Coach, Global Speaker, Author
Tatjana Jevdjovic - Founder at Integra by Beauty Imagini
Neyla Benkadda - Founder of EU Green Consultancy
Sandra Guevara - G100 Circular Economy Chair (Spain)
Nino Lortkipanidze - Chief Innovation Officer at The Crossroads
Elica Martins - City Chair G100: Mission Million
Annabella Nassetti - G100: Mission Million Global Chair - Design & Lifestyle
Anja Tollhausen Carron – G100: Global Chairwomen for Circular Economy
Catarina Olim - Specialist Communication Coach
Wilma Miranda - Certified Public Accountant and Entrepreneur
Virginia Rivera - President & Cofounder of Mujer Emprende Latina, Founder of SOLApreneurs and Cofounder of FEDE PR
Magali Schwartzkopff – Founder of Wear By Numbers
Ana Gonzalez - Partner in Leadership Management
Fida Taher - Partner at Amam Ventures
Blanca Elena Avendano Silva - Founder and CEO of Nena Selected Coffee
Sanja Popovic Pantic - G100 Global Chair for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, President of the Association of Business Women in Serbia
Snezana Peric - Director, Tourist Organization of Loznica
“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. ”