Trip down Memory Lane: Carcavelos, Portugal - May 2023
G100 Leadership Summit in Portugal
Last May, I was thrilled to attend and speak at the G100 Leadership Summit in Carcavelos, Portugal. This was the second time that I was fortunate enough to participate in a G100 summit and I am thrilled to say that it was as inspirational and insightful as the first.
I met so many brilliant and incredibly impactful women doing inspiring work in the world, and it brought me so much perspective and growth. Sometimes being a solopreneur can make the world feel like a lonely place, so events like this are a fantastic opportunity to make connections and realise you are not alone! It’s even sweeter when you get to meet with all these fantastic people within the surroundings of beautiful Portugal, too. I believe the more I visit, the more I am falling in love with this stunning country.
In my workshop I got to share all about harnessing the power of EFT tapping every day in your life, thus creating a habit. I introduced my daily soulful journal as a template to be used by women to understand they can take care of themselves in a really easy and quick way every single day. It’s important to carve out time for self-care and tapping is a wonderful way in which to do this.
In the journal you start with your dream or goal for the day and then focus in on what it is that you can do to care for your soul during that day. Next, you pinpoint the non-negotiables from this list that you create. There is then a tracker with 3 lines per day, in which you note down specific things that aid you in working towards your goals. You then refer to this list as you go forward, checking you’ve done each thing on your personal list.
This process culminates in creating your soul tapping setup. You’ve got the dream and you’ve got the goal – for instance you may say, ‘even though I am feeling uncomfortable where I am, I am choosing to honour and respect myself’. Therefore, your dream is to feel comfortable in yourself and your goal is to choose to show yourself kindness that day. Taking the time to sit quietly, even just for a few moments a day, and tap whilst ruminating over your journal, is an excellent way to get to a soul release and soul attraction.
My journal can be found on my website here.